Comoonity Networker
Application for networkers to manage their referrals
Local people supporting local businesses
Comoonity is an online platform designed to put small businesses in touch with local people. There are 2 main goals with Comoonity:
Give residents a place to view all their small businesses in their community and what they have to offer.
Help small businesses with their marketing and connect with their nearby residents
Comoonity gained businesses by recruiting networkers who could manage their businesses through Comoonity Networker
Insights from one place
As mentioned, Comoonity gains businesses in an area by recruiting a networker. They would approach a business and get them signed up with their own affiliate link. When the business signs up, the networker is creditted with the referral. Whatever revenue the business generates, and the customers that business refers generates, the networker recieves 25%. But a networker needs to be able to see this.
Comoonity networker then came into play around the same time the Growth remake was brought up. A simple application that allowed the networker to view their referrals would improve relations with the networkers and offer some transparency.
The platform has some additional security like a firewall block unauthorised access and very tightly controlled permissions. All data is encrypted and payment data doesn't get uploaded to networker to avoid the slightest danger.
The platform is looking to get some improvements with each release of Comoonity up to V1.3.0. A redesign would be ideal as it uses the exact same layout as Comoonity Growth. Though this is not a priority right now.