Progressive Web Apps

Published on: 8 September 2023


In today's digital age, accessing information and services quickly and seamlessly is paramount. Enter Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), a game-changing technology that combines the best of web and mobile applications. In this blog, we'll explore what PWAs are, why they matter, and how they can revolutionize your web experience, all without getting caught up in technical jargon.

The Future of Web Experience

What is a PWA?

This snippet from the Google Developers best describes what a PWA is. "Progressive Web Apps are web applications that provide a native app-like experience, combining the best features of web and mobile." [Source: Google Developers]. This means your web application can also work as a mobile app instead of needing two separate projects to have both. These come with several benefits.

The big benefits

The biggest advantage is that PWAs are cheaper which in my opinion is the most important benefit. As mentioned earlier, you only need the one project and you also do not need to host the app on the app store or Google play. This is a great advantage as they can take up to 30% of the revenue the app makes, while with a PWA you can download the app from the website and keep 100% of the revenue. Some other benefits include: "PWAs offer fast loading times, offline capabilities, and push notifications, delivering a seamless and engaging user experience." [Source: Smashing Magazine].

The Power of PWAs

The are many advantages to PWAs but below is some of the key features I believe are the most important.

Lightning-Fast Performance

PWAs are specifically designed to load instantly which would remove the sometimes frustrating wait times native apps often demonstrate. The app's developer can also utilize the instant loading to handle any additional loading such as fetching data from an API. This is great for improving the user journey and satisfaction.

Additionally, PWAs can provide smooth and responsive interactions further improving the user's experience. "PWAs utilize modern web technologies to deliver smooth animations and interactions, providing a native-like experience." [Source: Medium]

Enhanced User Experience

As a web application, you would expect it to require Wi-Fi to function. However, PWAs can be developed to work when offline or with a poor internet connection. This is great for users as it ensures uninterrupted access to the apps content and services regardless of the user's situation.

Another benefit is creating push notifications. PWAs can send notifications to the user to engage or re-engage the user encouraging them to use your app. A simple way to keep them informed and connected. These work both on mobile and a browser.

App-like Features

As mentioned in the "big benefits", PWAs can be installed from the web application itself instead of the app store. Once installed on either your mobile or desktop, and icon will appear on your home screen just like a native app, giving users increased visibility and easy access. "PWAs can provide a distraction-free, immersive experience by utilizing the entire screen real estate." [Source: Smashing Magazine]

Real-World Examples and Success Stories

  • Twitter: "The Twitter Lite PWA reduced data usage by 70% and improved page load time by 30%, resulting in increased user engagement." [Source: Google Developers]

  • Lancôme: "The Lancôme PWA saw a 17% increase in conversions and a 51% increase in mobile sessions, offering a seamless shopping experience." [Source: Medium]

  • Starbuck: "The Starbucks PWA witnessed a significant boost in user engagement and conversions. By implementing a PWA, Starbucks observed a 2x increase in daily active users and a 30% improvement in mobile ordering capabilities. The offline functionality of the PWA allowed customers to browse menus, place orders, and access loyalty rewards even in areas with limited or no internet connectivity. This resulted in increased customer satisfaction and repeat business." [Source: Google Developers]

  • Forbes: "The Forbes PWA reduced their development and maintenance costs by adopting a Progressive Web App approach. By leveraging a single codebase and avoiding the need to develop separate native apps for different platforms, Forbes saved approximately 90% of their development expenses. Additionally, the PWA's efficient caching and data management capabilities reduced their server costs, as users were able to access content offline or with limited network connectivity. The cost-effective nature of PWAs allowed Forbes to allocate their resources more strategically and invest in other areas of their digital strategy." [Source: Google Developers]

The Challenges

PWAs are compatible with multiple platforms and web browsers and can run on any modern web browser. That being said there are some browsers that do not fully support all their features like Opera or Safari. Most apple products are limited in their compatibility on account of Apple being "greedy bastards". [Source: Gouldsonium]

Another challenge presented is discovery. PWAs can be discovered by you search engine which adds SEO a requirement to your app. Or what I would recommend is developing a website advertising your and have all its call to actions be a link to the app. Because of this, the need for app store approvals and restrictions is eliminated. However, if needed PWAs can be hosted on an app store but then you are subject to its terms and conditions.


Progressive Web Apps are reshaping the web landscape by bridging the gap between web and mobile experiences. With their lightning-fast performance, enhanced user experience, and app-like features, PWAs offer a compelling alternative to traditional websites. By embracing PWAs, you can enjoy seamless access to content, improved engagement, and a user-centric web experience. Start exploring the power of PWAs today through Gouldsonium's development and unlock a whole new level of convenience, speed, and interactivity on the web.

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