My Coding Journey

Published on: 5 February 2024

I thought I'd create a blog post to explain my story of how I ended up finding my passion in software development.

I'm a 26 year old geek from Wallasey, Merseyside, UK. Growing up I was always interested in maths, mainly because I saw how useful it was and how it could be applied to solve problems. It was my best subject at school achieving an A* in my GCSEs and I went on to study Maths & Further Maths at A-level in plus IT.


After finishing my A-levels, I went to Liverpool John Moore's University (LJMU) to study applied mathematics. Here was where I first learnt to code using Matlab and R-Studio for statistical analysis.

My degree consisted of several modules aimed to make me as employable as possible, helping with essay writing, team work and presentations. There were several modules on statistics which honestly bored me to point I did not want to do maths anymore. However my favourite module was called 'Operations Research'. This was by far the most useful as it taught fundamental techniques and tools to assist managers in making better decisions on real world management/business problems. I also tailored my dissertation to IT.

As a bit of an introvert, LJMU gave me socials skills I needed and also trained my liver for any work social events.

Code Nation

Upon completion of my degree I knew I wanted get into coding. I had already learnt the fundamentals but I knew to get into the industry I needed proper training. I was referred to Code Nation who offered a coding bootcamp to become a software developer, and offered assistance in getting your first role. About 2 weeks after graduating I went to an open evening and by the end of the month I started the 12 week bootcamp.

I learnt the fundamentals again, only this time in JavaScript as well as HTML and CSS. Then moving to frontend/backend web development, databases and basic deployments. These 12 weeks included many lectures, projects and discussions amongst the other apprentices. The final project was a group project for which I was voted to lead, was to create a rota app.

Once my 12 weeks were up, I began searching for my first role. I could've gone straight into an entry level role but I wanted to learn more and got an apprenticeship through Code Nation with another company. This meant I would spend another 12 weeks at Code Nation tailoring my tech stack for my employer, and then would have additional tasks to complete whilst working full time to earn a level 4 diploma in software engineering.

Career so far

I have worked for/with a few business over the past few years; start-ups, digital agencies and insurance advisors. I have continued to add to my tech stack making the software I develop better and worked as an infrastructure engineer using AWS. This gave me the ability to confidently build and deploy software that is reliable, fast and cost effective.

Throughout my career, my professional endeavors have primarily revolved around smaller companies, with one instance involving a team of just three developers, including myself. This environment often necessitated a more hands-on approach with less extensive support, providing me with invaluable experience. Notably, I've discovered a proficiency in catering to the needs of smaller businesses, extending my involvement beyond mere software development. In several startup collaborations, I actively contributed to marketing and branding efforts, in addition to shaping the UI/UX of the developed software.

Future Learning

Even after having learnt so much, there's still so much more I want to learn. There are other technologies I would like to learn to create more optimised software, and automations, specifically regarding deployments and testing.

I've also embarked on the journey of mastering AI development, beginning with transforming raw data into trainable formats. Progressing further, I delved into foundational machine learning models like SVMs, Random Forest, and Decision Trees. The rapid ascent of AI, notably spurred by the introduction of ChatGPT, has underscored its significance, motivating me to enhance my proficiency in this field. It is undeniably a skill I am keen on refining and advancing.

Another skill I'd like to learn in the distant future is game development. I have played video games since I was a kid and have always enjoyed it, either for the fun gameplay or challenging boss fight. I'd like to take my developer skills to make games in a technology like Unreal Engine or possible learning to mod with one of my favourite games Skyrim constantly being modded.

Despite my success in smaller settings, I am eager to explore opportunities with larger corporations. The prospect of participating in a structured release process, as opposed to the usual chaotic pace, intrigues me. Furthermore, the availability of specialized support in a larger company is appealing, as it presents an opportunity to enhance my skills and broaden my professional horizons.

Thanks for reading!

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