Bootstrap Vs Tailwind

Published on: 21 August 2023


When it comes to CSS frameworks, Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS are two popular choices that can greatly simplify and enhance the development process of your web projects. In this blog post, I'll compare and contrast these two frameworks, discussing their features, benefits, and potential considerations. By the end, you'll have a clearer understanding of which framework aligns best with your needs and preferences.

Bootstrap CSS: The Classic Framework

Bootstrap CSS, created by Twitter, has been a staple in web development for years. Its pre-designed components and responsive grid system make it easy to create consistent and mobile-friendly layouts. With a large and active community, Bootstrap offers extensive documentation, support, and a wide range of third-party resources.

Tailwind CSS: The Utility-First Framework

Tailwind CSS takes a different approach, focusing on a utility-first methodology. Instead of predefined components, Tailwind provides utility classes that can be combined to create customized styles. This flexibility allows for more design freedom and faster development iterations.


Ease of Use and Learning Curve

- Bootstrap: Known for its simplicity and ease of use, Bootstrap provides a user-friendly environment for developers, making it ideal for beginners.

- Tailwind: While Tailwind requires a bit more initial setup and configuration, its utility-based approach allows for granular control over styling, offering greater flexibility in the long run.

Design and Customization

- Bootstrap: With a wide selection of pre-designed components, Bootstrap offers a quick and convenient way to create visually appealing websites.

- Tailwind: Tailwind provides a more customizable approach, allowing you to create unique designs by leveraging its utility classes and building blocks.

Performance and File Size

- Bootstrap: Due to its extensive set of features and components, Bootstrap can result in larger file sizes. However, its popularity ensures that users may already have Bootstrap cached by their browser, reducing load times for subsequent visits.

- Tailwind: By default, Tailwind CSS generates a larger file size due to its utility classes. However, it provides built-in configuration options to purge unused styles, resulting in a smaller file size in production.

Integration and Ecosystem

- Bootstrap: As one of the most widely used CSS frameworks, Bootstrap has a vast ecosystem with numerous plugins, extensions, and themes available. This ecosystem ensures compatibility and simplifies integration with other tools and libraries.

- Tailwind: While Tailwind's ecosystem is growing rapidly, it may not be as extensive as Bootstrap's. However, it offers integrations with popular JavaScript frameworks like Vue.js and React, as well as extensive community-created plugins.

Common Concerns

- Bootstrap: "Bootstrap restricts design creativity": While Bootstrap provides pre-designed components, its customizable options and theming capabilities allow for ample design creativity. Additionally, Tailwind's utility classes enable even more design possibilities.

- Tailwind: "Tailwind CSS can lead to a bloated HTML markup": While it's true that Tailwind's utility classes can result in more HTML elements, the use of minification and compression techniques can mitigate this concern.


Both Bootstrap CSS and Tailwind CSS are powerful frameworks that offer distinct advantages depending on your project requirements and personal preferences. While Bootstrap provides a quick and straightforward way to build responsive websites with pre-designed components, Tailwind offers greater flexibility and customization options through its utility-based approach. By considering factors such as ease of use, design and customization, performance, integration, and ecosystem, you can make an informed decision on which framework suits your needs best. Remember, the choice ultimately depends on your project's specific goals and the workflow that resonates with you the most.

Personally, I prefer Tailwind. While the amount of classes can bloat your code and it requires more than Bootstrap, I find it easier for customisation with handy classes readily available when you need them.

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